Why Only This
65-Year Old Badass
Can Money-Back
Guarantee Your
Kids' College Dreams
"I wouldn't have gotten my high SAT score without Harvey."
Tessa Coutu, FL, accepted into Barnard
"Harvey's an asset to any family who would like their child go to a competitive university."
Robert Greenberg, NY, accepted into Cornell
"My son's guidance counselor said he wouldn't get accepted to Yale. But Harvey helped him get in."
Donna Bridge, FL, child accepted into Yale
"Harvey helped me gain admission early decision to my dream university."
Imani Hall, MA, accepted into Duke
"Harvey works so hard for his students, and he really cares."
Charlotte Silver, FL, accepted into Duke
"Harvey helped me increase my SAT score by 400 points."
Jake Darrah, GA, accepted into Naval Academy
"Harvey proved to me the SAT reading section can be beaten mathematically."
Alexander Frongillo, MA, accepted into Brown
"Harvey's unlimited lessons really helped my daughter achieve her 1550 SAT score."
Nicole F., MI, child accepted into Columbia
Book A FREE Strategy Call & Get My Guaranteed 1530+ SAT Course – FREE
Only 5 Parents Will Get In – Apply NOW or Lose Your Spot Forever!
🚀 Watch Fernando’s story in the video above. He used my SAT Codebreaker 54 system to achieve a PERFECT SCORE.
📈 Like Fernando, your teen can achieve incredible results too.
💡 And if you think my claims sound impossible, click here to see all of my other impossible accomplishments over the last 65 years.
🔥 I’ve spent 50 years making the impossible happen for my students. If your teen deserves a real shot at a 1530+ SAT and Top 25 school, don’t wait. These spots WILL be gone.
Book A FREE Strategy Call & Get My Guaranteed 1530+ SAT Course – FREE
I Guarantee Not Only 1530+ SAT, But Also Dream School Admission & Scholarships
I’m Harvey Wizard, bestselling author of 65-Year-Old Badass and the only college admissions expert in the world who can money-back guarantee your teen’s future.
How? Because I’m not just an SAT coach—I’m a 169 IQ marketing strategist who became an internet multimillionaire by outthinking every system in front of me.
📈 Boosting my own disappointing 1200 PSAT to a 1580 SAT and graduating valedictorian a year ahead of my class was just the first impossible feat I pulled off.
🏆 Since then, I’ve spent 50 years getting students into Ivy League and Top 25 schools with a 100% success rate.
🎯 Even the so-called "king" of SAT tutoring, John Katzman, founder of Princeton Review, admitted my system makes every other SAT tutor look like "Harvey’s very stupid cousin."
But here’s what no other SAT coach will tell you:
❌ A high SAT score alone isn’t enough anymore.
❌ Colleges don’t care about another kid with “good grades” and "relatively strong" extracurriculars.
👉 They want students who are UNDENIABLE. And that’s what I do better than anyone in the world.
🚀 It’s like getting Elon Musk to help your kid win the science fair.
I don’t just train students for a high SAT score—I engineer entrepreneurial feats for my students that elite colleges have never seen before.
✔️ I identify your teen’s unique skills and interests
✔️ I create a winning admissions strategy that makes your teen show up as an absolute superstar to admission officers
✔️ I help students launch adult-level, real-world businesses and charities that force elite colleges to take notice
💡 That’s how my students don’t just get accepted—they get offered full-ride scholarships.
Book A FREE Strategy Call & Get My Guaranteed 1530+ SAT Course – FREE
Why This Mission Matters
After the tragic loss of my only daughter, this work became personal. Now, I approach every student as if they were my own, ensuring they receive the tools and guidance to succeed.
I’ve spent my life helping ambitious teens beat the odds, and I’m committed to helping your family avoid the heartbreak of missed opportunities.
What Parents & Students Are Saying About Working With Harvey:
$3,900 For A Guaranteed 1530+ SAT, Top 25 School Admission & Full-Ride Scholarships – Or Your Money Back.
✅ Unlimited 1-on-1 Zoom SAT tutoring with Harvey Wizard personally until 1530+ is achieved
✅ Guaranteed branding strategy for Top 25 admission & full-ride merit scholarships
✅ Off the charts passion project & essay guidance – So your teen is UNDENIABLE
✅ Exclusive SAT Codebreaker 54 training – The system the SAT industry tried to bury
✅ Unlimited parent and student support through high school graduation
💰 If your teen follows my system and doesn’t achieve a 1530+ SAT, Top 25 admission, & full-ride scholarship, I refund every penny. (Admission & scholarships require commensurate GPA and class rank.)
Book A FREE Strategy Call & Get My Guaranteed 1530+ SAT Course – FREE
Only 5 Spots – If You Want In, Book a Call Now
🚀 I’ll show you:
✔️ Exactly how my guaranteed system works
✔️ How I take your teen from “good student” to Ivy League candidate
✔️ Why my students land scholarships worth $100,000+
📞 Click the link below to claim your spot before they’re gone!
Book A FREE Strategy Call & Get My Guaranteed 1530+ SAT Course – FREE
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Now that I've made all my dreams come true, let me start working on yours.

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“Success is doing what
others are unable, unwilling
or too scared to do.”
Harvey Wizard